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The Public Square

United Nations Assembly Hall in Geneva

Saint Monica Institute offers formation, support, and resources for Catholic policy makers, professionals, and activists, including policy roundtables and think tanks, support networks, and certification for electoral candidates; public and private board members; medical, legal, and business professionals; and public apologists. 

Vacant Seats on floor of Parliament
Public Service
Good Catholics are active in civic life, as voters, volunteers, office holders, and board members. The values they bring to their service matter.
A man walks thoughtfully toward a Catholic Hospital
Health Care
The value of Catholic contributions to public health care cannot be overstated. Are they at risk in an increasingly secular society?
A young person reads a newspaper bearing a headline "Fake News"
Responsible News
Truth is the foundation of democracy. Society cannot flourish without truthful, balanced, and responsible news sources.
A young woman and hungry person converse in a church hall
Joyful Witness
As the intolerance of aggressive secularism grows, so too does the need for joyful and informed apologetics: learn to evangelize by example.