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Health Care

The value of Catholic contributions to health care cannot be overstated.  In Canada, however, the increasingy aggressive intolerance of secularism is driving all traces of the Catholic commitment to the sanctity of the human life and the dignity of every human being out of a system that is focused on discrete, commoditized "outcomes" focused on economic efficiency. 

Video Series: 
Reflections on Catholic Health Care - Walking with the Good Samaritan

A man walks thoughtfully toward a Catholic Hospital

In this remarkable video series, Cardinal Thomas Collins and other prominent Catholics consider the threats posed by secularization and commoditization for the life and human dignity of Canadians.


Prologue – Hon. David Mulroney, Distinguished Senior Fellow, University of Toronto Munk School of Global Affairs


Walking with the Good Samaritan – Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins


Catholic Healthcare Now More than Ever - Archbishop Thomas Cardinal Collins


Made in the Image of God – Father Kevin Belgrave, St Augustine’s Seminary


Questioning the Marks of Medical Progress - Father Kevin Belgrave, St Augustine’s Seminary


The Sacramental Meaning of the Human Body - Father Kevin Belgrave, St Augustine’s Seminary


Life Issues - Dr Moira McQueen, Director, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute


The Human Person - Dr Moira McQueen, Director, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute


Scanning the Ethical Horizon - Dr Moira McQueen, Director, Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute


The Vocation of a Catholic Doctor - Dr. Pascal Bastien, General Internal Medicine Specialist, Queensway Carleton Hospital


Conscience and Cooperation with Evil – Dr. Pascal Bastien, General Internal Medicine Specialist, Queensway Carleton Hospital